Wednesday, September 10, 2008

chase compo

A chase:
“Finally a promotion for me,” Betty mumbled. The promotion she had been yearning for years have came to a reality. Betty is a policewoman in charge of catching illegal immigrants. This was what happened that earned her the promotion…
“How did the two illegal immigrants
managed to escape?” Betty questioned herself. During a raid an hour before, Betty let two of the illegal immigrants’ escape. Feeling tired and thirsty, Betty went to the nearby supermarket to buy some drinks.
When Betty reached the supermarket, she started choosing the drinks she want and some other groceries. Suddenly out of the corner of her eye, Betty noticed two men looking around frantically. As a policewoman, Betty felt that she has the need to investigate what was happening. When Betty walked nearer towards the two men, she caught sight of familiar faces- the illegal immigrants! The six eyes met. In a split second, the illegal immigrants recognized Betty as the police woman and ran away immediately. Betty, after regaining her senses immediately fished out her hand phone from her handbag and called his colleagues for assistance before chasing after the two men.
They rudely pushed away the customer that got into their way of escape. As a result, a few women fell on top of each other. They ran down Second Avenue as fast as their legs could carry them. Betty chest heaved and panted for breath as she struggled to lessen the gap between the two men and herself. Although Betty legs felt like lead, she forced them to carry them forward. Her lungs were burning as though pleading for her to stop but she was unrelenting. Arms outstretched, Betty tried to catch hold of the two men. However, they seemed so near and were yet so frustrating out of reach every time Betty edged forward.
The two men turned back to see whether Betty was still chasing after them. They were surprised to see someone else other than Betty- Betty’s colleague. He was informed by Betty about the illegal immigrants and went to help Betty. The two men were trying their best to lessen the gap between Betty with her colleagues Betty and themselves. Fear had seemed to lend wings to them. Betty quickened her pace, not daring to slow down and even rest for a second although her heart pulsated as if it would burst out of her ribcage anytime.
One of the men accidentally tripped over a banana skin and fall back. Although he tried to get up but the pain in his head was ferocious enough to knock him down for the second time. Betty’s colleague takes advantage of the situation and handcuffed him while Betty continue the chase with another man.
The other man came to a halt as the path diverged before him. He questioned himself, “which path should I take?” He debated within himself, taking the risk that Betty would catch up anytime.
After debating the route to take, the man turned into an alley and Betty followed him. It was a dead end! The man was like a rat in the barrel. Thinking that it was impossible for the man to escape, Betty heaved a huge sign of relief and went to him, preparing to handcuff him. Never did she knew that the man had got it all prepared. After an escape, he knew that he was in a dangerous situation and decided to carry a knife with him in case anything goes wrong.
The man walked towards Betty with a threatening snarl, signaling to her that danger was lurking. Fingers of fear rose up Betty’s back, threatening to strangle her. Choking on her own fear, Betty struggled to breath. Thousand of frightful scenarios clouded her mind. However, Betty could do nothing else but to pray for her colleague or someone who passed by for help.
Suddenly, the wailing sirens of the police rent the air. The man looked very frantic. As the steps of the police were approaching, the fear in Betty’s mind lessens. When the police turned into the alley, the man immediately held Betty as hostage for safety.
The police pointed their guns at the man. The man shouted, “if you want the hostage to be safe, prepare a boat by half an hour for me. Do not play any tricks or I can not guarantee what I will do to her.”
The senior inspector said, “I know that you will not kill her. You came here illegally just to work and raise your family. Killing others is not what you want to do. Even if you want to kill her now, spare a thought for your family. They do not want you to get yourself into trouble because of them, do they? Let’s make a deal now. As long as you release the hostage, I will plead the judge for leniency, is that okay?”
Hearing that, the man released Betty and raises both his hands up to surrender. Betty knew that chase was really over when the man was brought to the police station. “Thank you for saving my life,” Betty said to the senior inspector.
Betty was then commended by her boss for her bravery in catching the two illegal immigrants. They had decided to award Betty with a promotion and a pay rise.
“Madam, there is a new case for us to investigate,” said Betty’s subordinate. Betty was then jotted out of her mind. Betty then decided to continue work hard as a contribution to the society. After all, it is a blessing in disgust. This incident will be etched in her mind forever.

Written by: Leong Enci
5 trust
Word count: 940

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